Where Can I find Delphi Software Specialists?

Finding reliable and experienced Delphi developers for support or short-term projects that require a software upgrade, for many businesses is a task they often shy away from. When considering what to do about an older version of an application written in Delphi for example, they don’t want to employ or train somebody new, they want a reliable outsourced solution that can flex with their needs.

Should you Rewrite or Refactor your Delphi Software?

This is always a good conversation that as developers we have with clients both old and new. There is no defined answer as each application and scenario ranges in importance and use. On balance however, we find that refactoring provides a more efficient, and expedient solution. Why? Well, if the business’ need remains the same or similar then why invest unnecessary time and money ‘reinventing the wheel’? Ensure stability and improvement without massive extra cost through a software upgrade.

If, however, the business need has fundamentally changed then a rewrite may be the best solution, either way, you will still need insight from a software house that has a deep understanding of Delphi that can quickly develop your new software application.

What is the latest version of Delphi software?

The current version of Delphi is 11.2 with Delphi 11.3 due for release in 2023. For a quick overview and insight into Delphi and the advantages of both upgrading old legacy applications to the latest version as well as writing new software applications in Delphi take a look here: https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi

What is software refactoring?

Code refactoring is officially defined as “the process of restructuring computer code without changing or adding to its external behaviour and functionality”. But when you are considering upgrading legacy systems written in Delphi or other languages don’t you want your upgrade to have a little more ‘Umph’?

It is critical of course, that any upgrade to your applications produces exactly the same outcomes ensuring that the User’s Experience (UX) does not require any retraining. When upgrading any application, however, the outcome should ideally result in both an improvement in operation for both the business AND the user.

Refactoring Delphi

Legacy software upgrades should therefore not only provide a safeguard to your business-critical applications by ensuring that the latest version of software is being used, but that third party applications or plug-ins also remain both viable and updated.

Delphi is one of the most stable and versatile languages, there are over 3 million developers that work in Delphi across the globe. Over time, languages do fall in and out of favour, but Delphi has remained for over 30 years as a steadfast and reliable platform in which to build world beating software.

In the UK finding experienced, Delphi developers that work in a specialist Delphi environment can be a challenge for businesses, that is why software houses such as SMXi Software continue to invest and train in UK based Delphi programmers to provide bespoke solutions and upgrades to legacy Delphi applications.