Gift Aid Reclaim Solution for Charities


In 2013 HMRC took Gift Aid reclamation digital, many were not ready, many large CRM systems, and bespoke charity solutions lacked the ability to create valid submissions for the HMRC MTD Gateway. Our solution bridges the gap between donation management systems and HMRC, making the process quick and efficient.

  • Import data from a CSV or spreadsheet, Salesforce, or another enterprise Web system.
  • Definitions for custom imports
  • Priority Email support
  • Email support Call-Back support
  • Multi-user access
  • Multiple Clients
  • HMRC Recognised Gift Aid CRM software

Time: 2013


GiftAider works in tandem with your existing system to make digital HMRC Gift Aid filings quick and straightforward.

You can submit an accurate, valid claim based on your own records in only a few clicks.

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Multi Currency, Multilingual On-line Donations System
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SMX™ Patron CRM
GiftAider™ Desktop
Masque® Response™
GiftAider Patron™ CRM
LiveBase® CMS
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