The press is dead, long live the press!

“It’s not a good time to be talking about press and public relations” says Heather Maitland in the opening salvo of the latest JAM(1), but then goes on to do just that. And quite rightly too. The problem it seems is over saturation (read competition) and it has always been thus: proprietors were complaining of […]

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Ready for the off: Gift Aid claiming goes digital

From the end of September Gift Aid Claims will be different. The current R68(i) form will be no more and you will have to submit using one of 3 options: Complete on-line forms with attached spreadsheet (up to 1,000 claims per submission, but as many submissions as you like); Submit from your database on-line [direct […]

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LiveBase is 20!

When we first developed LiveBase® back in the mists of the 1990’s it was to provide an easily managed  dynamic element for web sites that were, for the large part, static and updated via FTP. LiveBase was first  used to power the news and events sections of the National Trust website and it’s second use was for […]

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JAM today, jam tomorrow

If you are not a member of the Arts Marketing Association, you really should be. The latest issue of JAM (their magazine) focusses on customer development and includes excellent articles by Heather Maitland (looking at research tells about audience loyalty; Katy Raines on how assessing audience loyalty is essential (as she says “do the maths” […]

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Magnificent Maps at The British Library

A new, free, exhibition opens on April 30th at The British Library called Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art, running until September 19th, it brings together some of the most impressive wall maps ever created – some of which have never been exhibited before. Why are maps so fascinating? I just find myself being able […]

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