Since its invention in 1886 by Colonel John Pemberton as a cure for his morphine addiction, the Coca-Cola logo has become a familiar sight globally. Although the coca was removed in 1903, the recipe has remained unchanged all these years. Even today, the name Coca-Cola is synonymous with its iconic glass bottle. After nearly a […]
Category: business
A little bit of thought
Last week I went along to the Middlesex University DProf summer bbq – and very nice it was to. We all got our name badges, but instead of them being emblazoned with the Middlesex Uni logo, they were each personalised with our company logos. A very nice touch, and a sensible one. The idea was […]
Where Can I find Delphi Software Specialists?

Finding reliable and experienced Delphi developers for support or short-term projects that require a software upgrade, for many businesses is a task they often shy away from. When considering what to do about an older version of an application written in Delphi for example, they don’t want to employ or train somebody new, they want […]
Why your website should make you money
You probably already have a website. You might quite like your website. It looks nice and you seem to get plenty of visitors. So it’s doing its job, right? When you first had your website built did you have a clear objective, did you know what you wanted to achieve once the website was up […]
Business Cards – better with a little thought
I get to see a fair few business cards when I’m out and about. Many are absolutely fine, some are tacky, some flashy, some are even whole little booklets (which I will probably never read). The problem I have, and I am sure I am not alone, is that when I am going through them […]
Now is the time to invest in your customers
Image via Wikipedia 2011 has been a difficult year for arts organisations. Early this year 206 organisations found out they had had their applications for funding rejected by the Arts Council. The impact of these funding cuts will depend to some extent on the size of the arts organisation you work in. If you are […]
How to save time and money when running a business

When it comes to running a successful business, finding ways to save both time and money can help you to reach your goals, and make a fantastic profit. However, when running a company itself uses so many of your resources, it can be difficult to find the opportunity to consider what changes could be made. […]
Hidden Inflation
Bought a pair of trousers the other day – nothing strange about that. In fact they are the same trousers I have been buying for quite a few years (different colours of course). But what struck me was that the price hadn’t changed much over the years, if at all. What has changed are little […]
The more things change the more they stay the same
While we were building the new website I came across our original brochure which was written in the early 1990s (I’d been prompted to do this by something said at a recent conference) and was surprised at how little had really changed. Yes the technology has moved on a bit and we are using a […]