The press is dead, long live the press!

“It’s not a good time to be talking about press and public relations” says Heather Maitland in the opening salvo of the latest JAM(1), but then goes on to do just that. And quite rightly too. The problem it seems is over saturation (read competition) and it has always been thus: proprietors were complaining of […]

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Being much more personal

I just read a short, but great blog from  Adam Thurman on the Mission Paradox and following on from my blog the other day about email marketing seemed very timely. The one bit that says it all: “If I say the word “marketing” and all you think about is ads or Facebook you are thinking too […]

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Another version of Cinderella from Birmingham Royal Ballet?

Further to my post the other day about David Bintley’s incredible new version of Cinderella, we find that BR are actually producing a second version!  The same score, on the same scale and with the same ambitious production values… but with a very different choreographic team. Following on from the hugely successful Ballet Hoo! project, […]

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Is the web finding it’s feet?

Social media is finding it’s feet. As I have mentioned in previous blogs it takes a long time, years, for something to establish its own identity and not just be a fancier (and maybe more useful) copy of something that has gone before. Social media is perhaps the start of the web moving into it’s […]

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Magnificent Maps at The British Library

A new, free, exhibition opens on April 30th at The British Library called Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art, running until September 19th, it brings together some of the most impressive wall maps ever created – some of which have never been exhibited before. Why are maps so fascinating? I just find myself being able […]

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British Library unveils UK Web Archive

The British Library has unveiled an archive of UK websites (full story) to prevent a black hole. The project has been running since 2004 and aims to avoid “a digital black hole in UK web history”. One of the problems they face is copyright. They hope that Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 will be extended […]

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Birmingham Royal Ballet website – generated with Repertoire

Birmingham Royal Ballet published their planned productions for the Birmingham Hippodrome today and you can find the listing here. What is great, for us, about this is that it shows some of the new features in Masque Repertoire (our content management system for the performing arts), allowing all the information about a production to appear […]

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When is technology successful?

I think of technology as anything that is developed to make our lives easier and more productive (although not necessarily better). However, not all technology developments are successful. Some fail to be adopted and vanish into the blue yonder, possibly even some good ones. Some get remembered as a quirky or amusing anecdote, most disappear […]

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