Day 5: Work on your relationships

Work on relationships with people already supporting you. If your existing supporters feel appreciated they are more likely to champion your cause to family and friends.  Make sure to always acknowledge each donation, if you don’t, donors may feel disaffected and are less likely to donate in the future. #FundraisingFortnight […]

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Day 2: Ask for donations

Most Trustees would like to raise money simply by broadcasting how great their cause is, how great their need is, and then waiting for donations to roll in. However, even the best newsletters and media articles don’t raise much money. Asking people directly and passionately raises money, and there’s no shortcut to this. However, stopping […]

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Fundraising Fortnight

The last few years have been particularly tough for the charity sector as it’s had to find new ways to operate and interact with the government whilst meeting the needs of those it serves. A period of economic growth followed swiftly by recession has seen income levels under pressure at exactly the time when charity […]

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Apps we like: MyScript Calculator

This is a calculator that you write on. Very clever and very easy to use and it’s free! Works on your smartphone (Android- iOS) Works on your tablet (Android- iOS) Use your handwriting to write any arithmetic formula. Write and calculate mathematical expressions in an intuitive and natural way with no keyboard Supported mathematical symbols: +, […]

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Does Gift Aid increase charitable giving?

Last month’s report on Gift Aid and reliefs on donations from the National Audit Office raised this interesting question (press release here). Gift Aid is an important source of income for charities – in 2012/13 about £1bn was paid in Gift Aid (about 2% of all chastity income) and £940m was provided as tax relief […]

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Apps we like: British Red Cross First Aid

“If a friend or family member was having a heart attack or was choking, would you know how to help them? The free app features simple, easy advice on 18 everyday first aid scenarios, as well as tips on how to prepare for emergencies, from severe winter weather to road traffic accidents.” Designed to be […]

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My HTML Cheat Sheet

There are certain things that I always have to look up when creating HTML / javascript , no matter how many times I use them I never remember. So this is my cheat sheet which you may also find useful. Also I’ll always know where to look – so it’s as much for me as […]

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