10 Web design trends for 2015

The Next Web has identified 10 web design trends we are likely to see over the next 12 months:

  1. Longer scrolling sites – as mobile devices become more important there is a switch to longer scrolling pages rather than lots of links
  2. Story telling and interaction – content has always been important but telling a story through that content is a big plus
  3. Absence of large background header images – large header images with text over the top have become the norm. How to stand out? Get rid of the image and just use text
  4. Removing non-essential design elements in favour of simplicity – There is an idea in design that a design is complete when all of the non-essential elements have been removed (#3 could be seen as part of this move)
  5. Fixed width centred site layout – how we always used to do it in the old days, seems to be making a come back, but with modern derivatives
  6. Professional high quality custom photography – that really makes your site unique. We always say that when we take on a web client we like to see that they have a good image library – it makes for a great site (Birmingham Royal Ballet and Sightsavers are great examples)
  7. Flyout/slideout app-like menus – Responsive web design has done this for mobile browsing but it is catching on for desktops. But, while it simplifies the desgn process does it improve user experience?
  8. Hidden main menus – pretty much the same as #7, but maybe not as obvious
  9. Very large typography – needed because of #3?
  10. Performance and speed – for us old hands we have always panicked about this. In our book it isn’t a trend but an essential. It’s probably really needed if you do #1. #3, 4 and 5 are probably the result of this.

what do you think we’ll see over the next 12 months?

See the full TNW article here.